Get Free Estimates for our work!

Get a free professional consultation whenever you need a tree removal, tree trimming or any other service! LA’s Best Tree Service also provides printed estimates to make sure every agreement stands firm no matter how long did it take you to schedule your appointment.

You will get a complete detail of how much our services will cost, and you’ll get the chance to make a consultation throughout the whole process. We provide tailored estimates for each work, so we can determine how long, the tools and the team it will require.

The commercial and residential tree services we provide include:

Tree Trimming
Tree Removal and Stump Grinding
Crown and Height Reduction
Pruning, Lacing, Dead Wooding
Palm Trees Skinned, Trimmed, or Removed

LA’s Best Tree Service gives you high-quality service, the best tools, the most complete insurance for your safety and the best customer service. To get all this, just call us at (855) 223-8733 or send us an email to

Cover area: Los Feliz, Silverlake and Century City